
SpinCat workshop: “Interfacial Electrochemistry and Electrolysis”

The interfacial electrochemistry and electrolysis workshop was organised in November in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 

We had the pleasure of welcoming visitors from all over Europe, both academia and industry, interested in electrochemistry. 

The first morning of the workshop was dedicated to the fundamentals of electrocatalysis with lectures by Marc Koper, Raphael Nagao, Wei Chen (TU/e) and Mariana Monteiro, setting the stage for exciting topics! 

As the day continued, we delved deeper into the fundamentals, focusing now on spin-catalysis with talks from Emma van der Minne, Jose Gracia (Magnetocat), and Mauro Fianchini (Magnetocat). 

On the second day, we moved on to materials for electrochemistry, with lectures from Susanne Koch, Floriane Rollier, and Yury Kolen’ko (INL). The last round included Thijs de Groot, Hugo Iglesias van Montfort and Sebastian Kopp (Fraunhofer ISE) on scaling up electrolysis. 

The program sparked plenty of scientific discussion, which was seen in lively discussions during the breaks. We truly enjoyed the interest in the event and believe it has reached a new audience for the consortium’s efforts on efficient water electrolysis.